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The Brightwork Companion - Rebecca J. Wittman
The Brightwork Companion - Rebecca J. Wittman
76 zł
O tym, jak sprawić, by drewno na jachcie wyglądało pięknie. O przygotowaniu powierzchni, doborze materiałów, technice lakierowania i konserwacji powierzchni drewnianych. Wbrew pozorom właściwe malowanie drewna nie jest sztuką prostą, a zrobienie tego tak, żeby latami przyciągało uwagę przechodzących ludzi - wymaga sporo wiedzy.
Książka w języku angielskim.
Spis treści:
How this book appends, but differs from, The Original, and therefore why it is advisable to own both versions.
Part one: the Brightwork enigma: an introduction
Chapter one: the more things change, the more they stay the same . . .
A few words about the enduring nature of brightwork methodology
Chapter two: afflictions and cures . . .
Dreamboat turns nightmare; Choosing a path of brightwork stewardship; Levels of varnish deterioration, and their cures
Chapter three: now, about varnish--in a nutshell
What`s the basic formula?; Varnishes and solvents, briefly!
Part 2: the refinishing program
chapter four: order in the port!
Plan the projects-all of them, in logical order; Learn to read the weather; Shop for materials--Once! (or at least not eighty-three times . . . ); Prep the boat and get to work!
Chapter five: strip me once, strip me twice, strip me once again, it`s been a long, long time . . .
How To: Bleach off a finish; Strip with a heat gun; Remove finishes that require chemical strippers; Dry-scrape . . . if you have the strength!; Know when and how to sand off a finish!
Chapter six: it`s a thankless job, and your name is Somebody . . . intermediate prep work
How To: Sand stripped/bare wood; Bleach out stains; Create a smooth plane--preparatory detailing
Chapter seven: building up to the grand finale
How To: Apply paste wood fillers, stains, sealers . . .
Chapter eight: never use lard
How To: Oil your brightwork, for various reasons
Chapter nine: the varnished truth
How To: Varnish, with as much unvarnished guidance as I can muster . . .
Chapter ten: now, let`s try to keep it that way, soldier!
How To: Set up and keep the maintenance schedule . . .
Chapter eleven: cabin soles, decks, and spars-oh my!
Three special brightwork challenges
Part 3: tools, materials, and resources
Chapter twelve: you can never be too rich or have too many tools . . .
Rebecca`s favorites and "must-haves," including what`s been developed since 1990
Chapter thirteen: it`s a materials world . . .
Various products of the trade, . . . plus safety materials and some general finishing safety tips
Chapter thirteen and one-half: extra! extra! read all about it!
Books, printed matter, and websites that help feed the brightwork junkie`s habit . . .

Oprawa miękka.
176 stron.
Format: 230x150mm.
ISBN 9780071422772

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