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The Blue Book of Sailing - Adam Cort
The Blue Book of Sailing - Adam Cort
89.20 zł
Rzadko która dyscyplina sportu jest tak skomplikowana i wymagająca opanowania tak wielu technik, jak żeglarstwo. Spośród nich istnieje kilkanaście, których opanowanie jest kluczowe dla pogłębiania wiedzy i umiejętności w tej dyscyplinie.
Książka w języku angielskim.
Spis treści:
1. Knowing the Angles
2. How to Make a Sailboat Go Where You Want It To
3. How to See the Wind
4. Catching the Wind, or Why Sails Are Curved
5. Steering with Your Sails
6. The Anatomy of a Rope
7. The Anatomy of a Knot
8. The Simple Secrets of Docking Under Sail
9. The Simple Secrets of Docking Under Power
10. Reading a Sail Plan Drawing
11. Keels and Rudders
12. Why Sailboats Don’t (Usually) Tip Over
13. Design Ratios and Boat Speed
14. The Nuts and Bolts of Design Ratios
15. Sailing Faster Using Telltales
16. Leaving a Dock Using Spring lines
17. Handling Heavy Weather
18. Why Sails Are Shaped Like Triangles
19. Why So Many Boats Have Two Sails
20. Tuning the Rig
21. What Makes a Good Boat
22. How Modern Boats Are Built
23. Keeping from Running Aground
24. Where Are We?
25. How Racing Tactics and Strategies Can Make You a Better Sailor
26. The Art of Avoiding Emergencies and the Tao of Handling Them
27. Why We Sail

Oprawa miękka.
264 strony.
Format: 185x235mm.
ISBN 9780071548007

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